2020 Special Awards Voting

Jason Murray Avatar
Unfortunately, with the current situation we will not be having an official banquet for the 2020 Champions. However, we will still honor these fine racers during the first JEGS Points weekend as we will have interviews with them that will be recorded, and we played over the PA for all in attendance to hear.
Furthermore, we will have a Racer Appreciation BBQ this summer planed for Saturday Night, July 24th where we will have a good time with friends and fellow racers.
We will still have the voting for the Special Awards for 2020. We have included some names that stood out for the 2020 season, but anyone can write in their own nominees.
The Clark Rader Person of the Year award is a strictly write-in award so please make sure you vote someone that you feel deserves that award.
If you have any questions please let us know.

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