First round of the open free for all Grudge Racing matches during the Street Outlaws No Prep Kings drag racing event at National Trail Raceway. Track: @nationaltrailraceway4632 Featuring:
Daddy Dave in Goliath | @DaddyDaveRacing Shawn Ellington in Murder Nova | @187Customs Jerry Bird in The Probe |
Lizzy Musi in Bonnie | @LizzyMusiRacing Chuck Parker in The 55 | @chuck5599 Robin Robers in the Firebird | @robinrobertsracing7668 Scott Taylor in the new Track Doe | @ScottTaylorMotorsports Disco Dean in Stinky Pinky | @discodean302 Tony McKinney in Novacaine | @tonymckinneyracing3369 Ryan Martin in Fireball Camaro | @FireballCamaro Chuck Seitsinger in Death Trap | @ChuckSeitsingerRacing Doc Love in Heavy Metal |
Jeff Lutz in the GTO | @lutzracecars8327 Marty Robertson in Bad Fish | @martyrobertson5933 Boddie Jr. | @TeamBoddieRacingOfficial James Goad in Reaper | @StreetOutlawsReaperSS Jim Howe in the Gaurdian | @HoweMotorsportsNPK Greg Chandler in Twisted Metal | @mcpreowned Super Dave in the Corvette | @SuperDaveLSX Justin Swanstrom in Prenup | @JustinSwanstrom69 James "Birdman" Finney | @birdmanracing7056 Kallee Mills in Golden Kong | @millsracing1989 B Rad in Luminasty | @teamluminasty Giuseppe Gentile |
James Strang | @strangracing3522 Chapters:
0:00 – Daddy Dave v Murder Nova
1:29 – Jerry Bird v Lizzy Musi
3:20 – Chuck 55 v Robin Roberts
6:06 – Kye Kelley v Scott Taylor
8:13 – Disco Dean v Tony McKinney
10:30 – Ryan Martin v Chuck Seitsinger
12:54 – Doc Love v Jeff Lutz
15:22 – Bad Fish v Boddie Jr
17:12 – Reaper v Jim Howe
19:12 – Greg Chandler v Super Dave
21:33 – Justin Swanstrom
22:15 – Birdman v Kallee Mills
22:58 – Damon Merchant v Stephen Brindle
25:26 – B Rad v NovaPain
26:59 – Giuseppe Gentile v James Strang Subscribe! ►
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Friday Night Grudge Matches RD1 Street Outlaws No Prep Kings National Trail Raceway 2022

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