Controlled Chaos Tough Truck
Dude, I wish I had five minutes behind the wheel of this truck. Controlled Chaos is a Ford pickup bodies tough truck that runs the fair races around Ohio. It looks like the builder took a bunch of design cues from baja trucks, but added in the specs that make a tough truck build competitive….
Bust N Loose Ford Bronco Gets Big Air
Bust N Loose is a Ford Bronco Tough Truck that races around different events in Ohio. Check him out getting big air! This event was the Knox Co. Fair Tough Truck Races.
Frame Twisting Pro Stock Semi Tractor Pull
Pro Stock Semi trucks are some of my favorites to watch at the local tractor pulls. They are the biggest and most powerful sounding vehicles at the track. This truck is a prime example of that power. Just look at how the torque twists the frame of the truck to the point that the tire…
Built 340 Plymouth Duster Dorslammer
This is one mean Plymouth Duster. Make sure to watch as the Big Tire doorslammer hooks up off the line and makes a great pass at National Trail raceway in Hebron Ohio. The Duster was a car built by Plymouth from 1970 through 1976. It is based on the Valiant model, much like the first…
The Hillbilly Bigfoot Tough Truck
Hillbilly Bigfoot is a completely custom built and bodied tough truck that runs around the Ohio Tough Truck circuit and possibly in a couple other states. This truck is built very well and they paid attention to the details. They even made fender flairs for the front tires so it’s not kicking dirt all over…