Jeep Cherokee (XJ) (Automobile Model)

  • Jeep Cherokee Tough Truck Breaks Down


    Oh man, tough break for this guy. Jeep Cherokee tough trucks usually do a pretty good job dealing with the beatings that the race courses dish out. Unfortunately for the driver of this XJ, that wasn’t true this time. After a bit of a confused start the racer got back on course and made a…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    This old Jeep Grand Cherokee looks pretty tired, but it didn’t stop this driver from going out on the tough truck course at the Hartford Fair and have a blast. Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone ►​ Tripod ►​ Fluid Head ►​ Lights ►​ Hard Case ►…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Sends It [Tough Truck Racing]


    Up on deck is another Jeep Grand Cherokee at the Hartford Fair Tough Truck Races! The number one goal of this driver was to make some big jumps and get a fast time around the course. He looked like he took a couple good hits in the process. February 2021 Mystery Performance Part Recommendation:…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    This Guy! The driver of this Jeep Grand Cherokee was really going for it at the annual Hartford Fair Tough Truck races in Croton, Ohio. He really managed to get some good jumps in with his Jeep. I’ll bet he was sore in the morning. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    It looks like this Jeep Grand Cherokee tough truck is about to need a new engine to keep running. It’s got a lot of blow by and looks like it might be a little down on power. It still looks like the driver did a good job getting it around the track. Mystery Performance Part…

  • Tough Truck Racer Fighting to Keep His Jeep Running


    This guy looks like he was getting pretty frustrated keeping his Jeep Cherokee tough truck running. It looks like maybe the transmission kept popping out of gear. To add insult to injury the driveshaft ended up breaking on the back straight ending the drivers race. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    Up on deck is another Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough truck racing at the Hartford Fair rough truck competition. This driver looks like he had a pretty fun time out there. He didn’t go crazy like some of the other guys do but he did get pretty bouncy on the back stretch. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation:…

  • Jeep Cherokee Tough Truck Breaks Down


    Haha wow! This Jeep Cherokee looks like it’s held together with duct tape and bubble gum. It seemed like every jump the rough truck was dropping parts on the ground. Eventually something gave way and the XJ just stopped rolling. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone…

  • V8 Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    This Jeep Grand Cherokee tough truck almost looks like it should still be out on the road, but I guess this driver might not have had enough races under his belt, or it’s just a new truck to the races. Either way, it sounds pretty good and does a good job handling the jumps. Mystery…

  • Jeep Cherokee Tough Truck Breaks Down


    So Close! We have another unfortunate case of a Jeep Cherokee tough truck breaking down on the track, but this time it was right at the end. It looked pretty good for most of the run. The suspension held up and the engine kept running, but something gave way in the drivetrain right at the…