tough truck big air

  • Ford Ranger Tough Truck Big Air


    Ford Ranger pickups are pretty common at the Tough Truck races because they are getting pretty cheap to buy in well used conditions. While not as capable at Jeep Cherokees on the track they tend to do ok. That doesn’t really matter for this driver though because he looks like he’s having a bunch of…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Big Air Wild Ride


    I don’t think the driver of this Jeep Grand Cherokee tough truck really cared whether or not he finished. He went out on the track with what looks like just one goal. Get huge air. Luckily the driver managed to get the ZJ across the line and managed to get the crowd cheering as he…

  • S10 Tough Truck Big Air Hard Hits


    Hit after hit this S10 tough truck racer takes and keeps on going. I would be willing to bet he felt super sore the next day. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone ►​ Tripod ►​ Fluid Head ►​ Lights ►​ Hard Case…

  • Crazy 4 Wheel Steering Tough Truck


    This 4 wheel steering tough truck is really cool. It was the first time I’d ever seen it, and I think it could have a lot of potential if the driver gets all the bugs worked out. The truck seemed to do pretty good getting around the corners, but early on in the race one…

  • Modified Ford Raptor Tough Truck Big Air


    This Ford Raptor tough truck has been around for awhile now, and it’s pretty well built. It always sounds great and makes fast laps. This time at the Hartford Fair rough truck competition was not different. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone ►​ Tripod ►…

  • Tough Truck Big Air Hard Hit


    Well this tough truck didn’t last very long. The driver pinned it at the starting line and barely even let off enough for it to make it around the first corner. That’s when things got really exciting. He just kept it pinned the whole time and dropped off the last jump and really messed some…

  • Ford Bronco Tough Truck Big Air


    This Ford Bronco Tough Truck had probably the biggest jump on the back stretch of the entire night. That thing went super high! Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone ►​ Tripod ►​ Fluid Head ►​ Lights ►​ Hard Case ► Subscribe!…

  • Modified Ford Ranger Tough Truck Big Air


    The driver of this modified Ford Ranger tough truck always does a good job putting on a show and getting big air for the crowd and this time is no different. The people attending the Hartford Fair rough truck competition for sure enjoyed this race. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►…