In this video we provide an install guide, including parts #'s and tips/tricks to install functional naca ducts onto our 2018 Porsche 911 (991.2) GT3. After recently this car with the intent of road racing it in competition we know how important it is to keep our brake temperatures under control. Since the GT3 RS and GT2 models come from the Porsche factory with functional naca ducts to help cool the front brakes, there is no reason we shouldnt be able to upgrade these components on our car to achieve the same benefits. We didnt see any videos on this yet, so we decided to do some research, save you the time, and figure out exactly what parts are needed to make this happen. The first thing you will need, is a good carbon fiber hood. We went with one from Apollo Aero and we highly recommend going with them because it fits just ike factory! You can find them at Here is a list of the parts you will need to order from Porsche: QTY 1 – Part # 991-575-518-80-1E0 (Union Connector)
QTY 1 – Part # 991-575-517-80-1E0 (Union Connector)
QTY 1 – Part # 991-555-367-70-1E0 (Battery Cover)
QTY 1 – Part # 991-575-131-82 (Air Guide)
QTY 1 – Part # 991-575-132-82 (Air Guide)
QTY 1 – Part # 9P1-201-123 (Vent Line) Once you have all these parts on hand you are ready to go! Let us know if this video was helpful, and if you upgrade yours like this be sure to let us know how yours comes out! Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more in-depth builds, race highlights, and exclusive behind-the-scenes content from Hochman Fabrication & Speed! Looking for Hochman Fabrication And Speed gear? Visit Follow us on all our social media channels to stay up to date on the latest!
MASTERING NACA Duct Install on Your 991.2 GT3 in RECORD TIME with This Guide

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