night of thunder

  • Tire Shredding Chevelle SS Goes Drag Racing


    The Chevelle was a mid-sized car produced by Chevrolet from 1963 through 1968.

  • Westgate Plymouth Belvedere Makes a Quick Pass


    The Belvedere is a car that was manufactured by Plymouth from 1954 to 1970. For the majority of the time it was a full size car, but changed in 1965 to a midsize.

  • 260mph Jet Dragster at Night of Thunder


    The Gojo Jet Dragster is a pretty common sight at the annual National Trail Raceway Night of Thunder. Being one of the main attractions it wows the crowd with a dramatic staging scene, firing off it’s afterburners and shaking the buildings windows. They even break windows sometimes. Anyway, just check out the video. It’s pretty…