rough truck challenge

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Hartford Fair


    One of the all time classic platforms to race in the stock class tough truck races is the ZJ Jeep Grand Cherokee. From the factory the wheelbase and suspension can usually handle pretty much anything the track designers throw at them. In this case the racer doesn’t manage to finish but he got real close!…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    This Guy! The driver of this Jeep Grand Cherokee was really going for it at the annual Hartford Fair Tough Truck races in Croton, Ohio. He really managed to get some good jumps in with his Jeep. I’ll bet he was sore in the morning. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►…

  • Geo Tracker Tough Truck Race


    Up on deck today is a little Geo Tracker Tough Truck. In true tracker fashion for rough truck racing this little guy was bouncing around all over the place. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​ Camcorder ►​ Microphone ►​ Tripod ►​ Fluid Head ►​ Lights ►…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    It looks like this Jeep Grand Cherokee tough truck is about to need a new engine to keep running. It’s got a lot of blow by and looks like it might be a little down on power. It still looks like the driver did a good job getting it around the track. Mystery Performance Part…

  • Modified Ford F150 Tough Truck Racing


    Up on deck is another Ford F150 open class tough truck. The driver looks like he has a pretty good build going on with the truck, although it might not be particularly suited to this track. It seemed like it was a little bit nose heavy. Either way, he did a pretty decent job getting…

  • Geo Tracker Tough Truck Race


    The driver of this little Geo Tracker tough truck really went for it. They don’t have a lot of suspension travel but this guy didn’t care. He wanted to race! The first couple jumps went pretty good and there were a couple hard hits. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►​…

  • Tough Truck Racer Fighting to Keep His Jeep Running


    This guy looks like he was getting pretty frustrated keeping his Jeep Cherokee tough truck running. It looks like maybe the transmission kept popping out of gear. To add insult to injury the driveshaft ended up breaking on the back straight ending the drivers race. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation: Our Recording Gear! Camera ►…

  • Fast Lap Big Air Tough Truck Race


    The Adamosity tough truck is one of the best known veteran trucks on the circuit. He always does a good job and this time at the Hartford Fair rough truck races is no different. He did a smash up job getting through the track quickly and take on some big jumps on the way. Mystery…

  • Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough Truck Racing


    Up on deck is another Jeep Grand Cherokee Tough truck racing at the Hartford Fair rough truck competition. This driver looks like he had a pretty fun time out there. He didn’t go crazy like some of the other guys do but he did get pretty bouncy on the back stretch. Mystery Performance Part Recommendation:…

  • Custom Built Ford F150 Tough Truck


    Bad Habit is another one of the veteran tough truck vehicles that are regularly seen at the competitions. The driver is pretty skilled and always manages to put on a good show for the crowd. This time isn’t anything out of the ordinary. He makes it through the corners pretty quickly and gets some good…